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Piran: Bishop, Saint and Discoverer of Tin

Today (5th March) is St Piran's Day! According to legend, Saint Piran was a bishop in Ireland who performed many miracles, which was not liked by the Irish King. He was flung into the sea with a millstone around his neck, but somehow floated and landed on Perran Beach in Perranporth, Cornwall. He built a small chapel there, and people would come from miles around to hear him preach. He also accidentally discovered tin, when black stone on his fire leaked a white liquid - tin! That's where the Cornish Flag comes from; it represents tin flowing from the rock - or good overcoming evil! "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." - Romans 8:28 Although being thrown in the sea and left to drown must have seemed like the end for St Piran, God had other plans! We can take encouragement from this - when life is tough and we can't see a why or a when or a what - God has a plan to use it for something mighty! Gool Peran Lowen! LCC HQ x

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