With the busyness of Christmas gone and the slowness of January now behind us, lent is nearly upon us. Often seen as a time for spiritual reflection, taking time out during lent can be hard. One solution is to take a short retreat.
It has been said that “Retreats are for ordinary people at any time in their life. There are no expectations of you when you’re there and you don’t need to be a churchgoer.” Just step back, relax in quiet and calm, and allow yourself some time to reflect and grow in your relationship with God.
Jesus Himself started the idea, when He invited his disciples to “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while” (Mark 6: 31). His disciples needed to be alone with Him then, and they still need to be alone with Him today.
The desire of the LCC Trust is that the facility is used for the spiritual, emotional, mental and/or physical development of each individual that spends time at the centre. If you are interested in hiring LCC for your group, please contact us on info@lowenchristiancentre.co.uk