We have now reached the time of year where you don't have to be out very late in order to then drive home in the dark. I don't actually mind driving in the dark - there is something strangely beautiful about rows of tail-lights and cats-eyes lighting up the road.
One night last week when I was driving home, I found myself intrigued by the cats-eyes guiding my way. Reflecting the headlights on my car, there was only ever a maximum of 10 cats-eyes lit up at one time as I weaved my way along the route. I wondered to myself why the cats-eyes couldn't just be on all the time, but quickly realised that it was be rather overwhelming. When driving, you don't need to see 5 miles ahead, you just need to see what's directly in front of you (and beside, and behind!). If I concentrated too far in the distance, I wouldn't be a safe driver. That was then this verse popped into my brain:
"Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path." - Psalm 119:105
If I had to drive home in the dark with no lights on the car or in the road, it would be utterly terrifying. That small amount of light from my headlights makes the world of difference - and it's the same with the word of God too.
No matter which bit of your journey you are on, the Bible provides the guidance we need to take our next few steps along our walk with God. May the light of God's word lead you as you seek to take your next steps with Him.
he desire of the LCC Trust is that the facility is used for the spiritual, emotional, mental and/or physical development of each individual that spends time at the centre. If you are interested in hiring LCC for your group, please contact us on info@lowenchristiancentre.co.uk